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For Readers

5 Faith-Based Books Our Readers Enjoyed

By: Hidden Gems on September 24, 2019

Hidden Gems Books ARC service.

By: Hidden Gems on September 24, 2019


We’ve looked at some of the top-ranked faith and spirituality titles that our subscribers have been offered lately, and have compiled a list of a few of the ‘Hidden Gems’ for you to enjoy.  Here they are, as recommended by our readers.

Healing Justice: Stories of Wisdom and Love by by Jarem SawatskyHealing Justice: Stories of Wisdom and Love by Jarem Sawatsky

The word ‘trauma’ is more and more prevalent in our modern world, and it’s become clear that many of us embrace negative patterns of behaviors because of coping and survival mechanisms we developed during traumatic periods of our lives. In this book, the authors look to spirituality – including far eastern, Celtic and Native American religion – to share ways to transform suffering into wellness and help heal the trauma that continues to hurt so many of us in our daily lives.

“This is a book for our time, touching on the topics of relationships, conflict, grief and healing; basically much of the human experience,” writes Nathan Rupp in his 5-star review. “Jarem shows his readers three different communities that are alternatives to the problematic norms and beliefs of dominate culture. Healing Justice is built on the premise that there is brokenness in people and brokenness in the ethos that forms our civilizations, but it has deteriorated the human ability to build and maintain healthy relationships.  This book models ways of being and relating that are healing; ways in which peace is not an end objective, but a way of doing life together and belonging to each other. In an age where we deconstruct and forget to reconstruct, this shows the process of doing such a rebuilding in all its complexities.”

“The medicine we need to trust that healing is possible,” writes Michael Bischoff in his 5-star review. “The book takes you on a trip to see and feel what healing and justice can look like when lived out in fullness, both at a personal and community level. Swatasky’s vulnerable telling of his own story weaves together powerful images and lessons from some of the communities who most embody the intersection of healing and justice. After reading the book, I feel more trust that healing is possible, for us together, and for each of us individually.”

Venus and Her Lover: Transforming Myth, Sexuality, and Ourselves by Becca TziganyVenus and Her Lover: Transforming Myth, Sexuality, and Ourselves by Becca Tzigany

Spirituality, mysticism, religion, history, tantra, intimacy, and traveling the world all combine in this book, which explores spirituality and sexuality in a frank and intense manner that defies easy categorization.

“Highly recommended for anyone seeking profound new insight into new thought and new paradigms,” writes Gregory V. Diehl in his 5-star review. “The author’s tale weaves many elements of philosophy, world travel, tantric sex, spirituality, and psychology that are bound to incite many new seeds of inspiration for those who make it through this decadent web of experiences.”

“A fun and intelligent read,” writes Charles. “This book is a great way to prepare the way for greater sustained enjoyment and healthier lives. Suggestion: when you read this opus it’s worth your time to slow down, close your eyes, breathe deeply, concentrate, ruminate some and you might experience something similar to when you combine wine, cheese and berries – colorful fireworks might go off!”

“An important book for our time,” R. Reese argues, in his 5-star review. “The authors spent many years and lived in over 30 locales worldwide to fully study this much overlooked subject. It is breakthrough material, extremely well-written, thoroughly engrossing from cover to cover. Beautiful original paintings serve to illustrate key ideas and concepts. They are the real deal!”

Archangels and Ascended Masters: Messages from 33 Divine Beings of Light by Laura PowersArchangels and Ascended Masters: Messages from 33 Divine Beings of Light by Laura Powers

Los Angeles based celebrity psychic Laura Powers has won legions of fans with her books on exploring the unknown. This book discusses the existence of being we might call angels, and how communicating with them can help guide you into making positive decisions and embracing new shifts in your world.

G. Sharpe gave the book a 5-star review, writing: “Ms Powers validates what I have felt for many years that being religious and being spiritual are two different things. I’ve never been one to feel comfortable with your basic idea of church, though I did/do feel spiritual. I have also wanted to know more about angels, what they do and how to contact them. It is a work in progress and each bit of information I get, builds on what I have learned before. I would recommend reading it all the way through, then come back when you have specific questions you may have and how to ‘get your answer’ from the correct Angel/Master.”

“Interesting and inspiring,” writes XO2read in her 5-star review. “I never really thought much about angels accept that we were taught they were in heaven but this book outlines a lot of information which I had not known before. Listed are the most common angels and masters that we all hear of in daily conversation, as well as for those we may never have heard of. This introduction to the topic is positive and uplifting – one you can for entertainment and pleasure or one you can use for it’s suggestions and use the affirmations/prayers or search quickly for reference purposes.”

The Last Lessons of Christ: Living by Faith in an Age of Despair by Daniel Sweet and Andrew Gilmore The Last Lessons of Christ: Living by Faith in an Age of Despair by Daniel Sweet and Andrew Gilmore 

All you need to do is switch on the news and you’ll find yourself deluged with stories of suffering, misery and violence. In this book, authors Daniel Sweet and Andrew Gilmore look to the scripture to try and find some meaning from the meaningless, and offer teachings that they hope can give you inspiration and empowerment.

Top Contributor Robin Leigh Morgan gave the book 5-stars, writing: “As we get older and are faced with the day to day ever-increasing harried world we force to exist in, we become increasingly discouraged by the ridiculous misery and carnage around us. We are therefore seeking answers or at least something which would be able to help us of our suffering. As children to gain knowledge about things at school we had our teachers, and at home we had our parents who also taught us about life. I believe in this book written by Pastor Daniel Sweet and author Andrew Gilmore that we’ve found the experienced teachers we’re searching for; as they’ve already taught countless others like ourselves the gospel messages we desire to acquire. The main lesson of which is FAITH, the same kind of faith the Lord himself had during the remaining precious moments of his life.”

C Minor also gave the book 5-stars, calling it a lesson in faith for the modern age. “In the current day, it is difficult to keep your eyes on the goal of eternity with Jesus and live out your faith in a way that impacts others. The authors lay out ten lessons, using scriptures and personal stories to encourage us to stay faithful and on task in a world where that is not always the popular thing to do. If you are looking to be encouraged in your personal walk with Jesus and to be challenged to think about exercising your kingdom gifts in a risky way for God and the people in darkness who still need to know who He is, then I recommend this read for you.”

Life Hacking Spiritual Disciplines by Joe FontenotLife Hacking Spiritual Disciplines by Joe Fontenot

If you’re like most people, daily spiritual prayer is as difficult to maintain as regular visits to the gym, eating right, and practices like meditation (which many think is akin to prayer.) In this spiritual guidance book, author Joe Fontenot challenges you not to wait until a moment of crisis to turn to prayer; and he offers clever and practical ‘life hacks’ to help make spirituality and faith a daily part of your routine.

“A worthy read,” writers reviewer Michael E LaRiviere in his 5-star review. “A practical how-to help, scripturally sound, and a real-world solution to becoming a better you. Joe Fontenot writes simply enough for anyone to understand, but the reader will doubtless sense a deep wisdom, intelligence, learned and practiced disciplines that come with an advanced education, practical application, and experience. So what can you do with this book? Here are some things that I gleaned as I read it in three sittings. Give it to new seminary or college students developing their study habits. Use it as stocking stuffers for your older children needing practical advice in making their mark on life. Buy several copies, give them to people struggling with habits. Share it with an addicted friend who might not be into heavy Bible talk. Bad habits come in many sizes and shapes. This is a foundational book that can be a building block for changing focus, establishing life principles, and simply becoming a better person.”

“This book is meant for Christians who feel like the crazy modern world keeps them from truly living their Christian beliefs and hampers their closeness to God,” writes reviewer Jamie BJ. “The author has a clear and easy writing style as well as very workable suggestions and tips for how to become more focused on the religious aspect of your life and God. This is a scripturally sound book written in an engaging way that may help Christians find their way back to God, even with the pressures of modern life, and to help them live their lives in a way that more embodies Christ’s message.”

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