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Author Interviews

Author Spotlight Interview: Krista Lakes

By: Hidden Gems on October 30, 2016

Hidden Gems Books ARC service.

By: Hidden Gems on October 30, 2016


Yours Royally coverIn the first of our new Spotlight Author Interview features, Hidden Gems brings you NYT Times and USA Today bestseller Krista Lakes.

Krista is known for stirring up modern fairy tale romance stories, with billionaires as Prince Charming and ladies as modern Cinderellas.

Krista’s newest hit Romance, Yours Royally, is not only pulling in great reviews, but is already burning up the charts.  We caught up with Krista to talk not only about this book, but a variety of topics from what she likes to read to how she juggles a hectic writing schedule with raising a family.

HG: In the Billionaires and Brides series, we first had Ella and Jace sparking up a first kiss in a barn. Next came Kat and AJ having a magical first night together.
You’ve just released Yours Royally: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides Book 3) – what made you decide to give Sabrina a real prince this time?

Krista: As I was plotting out this book, I was procrastinating on Facebook and saw a story about Prince William and I started to come up with an idea. In my outline, I actually had Marco tentatively named William, but then decided to change it. When I write my billionaires, I tend to imagine them as the modern day equivalent of princes, or the contemporary version of royalty, so it wasn’t too much of a stretch. It was definitely fun to have an added level of history and regency to my billionaire, though!

HG: Fairy tales stories seem to be even more popular than a few years ago. The film Ever After: A Cinderella Story is cited as an inspiration for the series. What are the best and worst parts about it for adapting the Cinderella fairy tale in each book?

Krista: The Cinderella tale has been told so many times, yet it never gets old for me. I love having someone with a good and kind heart succeed and get everything she deserves. There’s a great feeling of everyone getting what they deserve in a Cinderella tale. Karma always comes back to the good and the evil get their just desserts. It’s so much fun to find things in the original story- from the shoes, to the ball, to the godmother- and find ways to give them a contemporary and believable spin. That can also be the hard part, since I don’t want to duplicate too much. I don’t want it to feel too cliche and that can be a fine line to walk when redoing a story multiple times.

HG: Are all of your books stand alone reads – or do you find characters sometimes running into one another?

Krista: All of my books are stand alone reads, but I do have recurrent characters popping up in my Kisses series. I really try to make it so that you don’t have to read any of my other novels to enjoy whatever one you are reading, but I do like to put fun cameos for readers to catch and enjoy.

HG: At the end of the Billionaires and Brides series books, there is a secret – a Kisses series book included too! Since they both have billionaires, how are the worlds different that readers enjoy?

Krista: The Kisses books are much more about beach romances where the Billionaire and Brides series follows the Cinderella theme much more closely. They are very similar series though, so if you enjoy one you will definitely enjoy the other!

HG: For new readers, would you say your work is ‘clean’ romance or of the more sizzling variety?

Krista: I would say there is some heat to my books since sex is usually an important part to a serious romantic relationship, plus they are fun to write! My Mom (and Dad!) both have read them and they just skip over the sex scenes, but enjoy the rest of the book. So, there is some steam, but it’s not all that the books are about!

HG: As a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, you’ve also just had another crown adorned to you – new mother! Any good tips of work and life balance for aspiring writers?

Krista: Work and life balance is hard for everyone. I have told my older son on more than one occasion that I can’t come play Legos with him because I have to work, and it breaks my heart every time. But, if I don’t work, he won’t have those Legos, so I know it’s something important. I really try to set work hours and stick to them, otherwise it is way too easy to simply work all the time or play all the time. I definitely struggle with it, but the set hours seem to help.

HG: What series or books do you love reading right now that readers might also like?

Krista: Oh, this is hard! I have a whole list of people that I love to read: Jill Shalvis and Bella Andre are probably the most like my books, but I love reading Nora Flite and Mia Clark on my off days… there are so many that it’s hard to pick just one!

HG: You’re engaged with your fans through Goodreads and Facebook, sharing how thankful you are to them. What do you most adore about your readers, and what are you currently dabbling that they would want to know about?

Krista: I am always amazed that people have not only read, but actually enjoyed something that came out of my head. I take it as a huge compliment that someone even looked at my book, let alone read it and left a positive review! My readers constantly amaze me with their kindness and support. I am currently working on another Billionaire and Brides book, a couple of fun stand-alone novels, and a holiday project. It’s going to be a great December!

HG: What is the best way to know about upcoming releases or learn more about you?

Krista: Sign up for my mailing list or like my page on Facebook. You can also find out more at

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