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For Readers

5 Top Young Adult Books Recommended by our Subscribers

By: Hidden Gems on November 5, 2019

Hidden Gems Books ARC service.

By: Hidden Gems on November 5, 2019


Young Adult books remain one of the most popular genres on Amazon, with Hidden Gems readers, and in general.  So if you’re looking for a new book to dig into, here are some of the top young adult books that have been shared, for free, with our subscribers this fall!

All That's Left by Emma Doherty All That’s Left by Emma Doherty

Culture shock comes to the forefront in this novel – which recounts British teenager Izzy’s reluctant move to the United States, and her struggle to fit into a seemingly ‘perfect’ all-American environment of her father and brother. Facing the grief of losing her British mother, and the abrupt and forced way she’s expected to get to know the father who’d abandoned her, the book explores some very real issues facing modern teenagers; and how they often mask those struggles with drink, drugs and promiscuity.

Irma J. left a 5-star review, writing: “This story! I read it in one sitting, I was glued to it, couldn’t stop. I finished it last night and I still can’t get over the world of All That’s Left. I love Izzy and Ethan… and all the boys! Izzy and Ethan are hurting, so much! So much that you can feel it and you’re sad with them, you’re swimming in so many emotions, filling like you’re drowning with them. There is no way for the hurt and the sorrow to be left aside. Izzy wants to numb the pain, to forget, Ethan wants to remember the good. And the world they live in clashes! In so many ways. The writing style is flawless, beautiful and leaves you craving for more with every word that comes next. It’s intensely emotional! Emma has this uncanny ability to create the most honest characters, plausible plot lines, and romantic connections that are out of this world.”

The Collapse: Time Bomb by Penelope WrightThe Collapse: Time Bomb by Penelope Wright 

A nuclear explosion melted the polar icecaps and flooded the world – and now only a few survivors are left. One of them is Rosie Colombia, struggling to survive above the waves in the top tiers of a Seattle skyscraper. Her gift is the ability to travel through time – to grab much-needed supplies from other periods in history. However, time travel is a dangerous weapon; and sinister forces want to use her gift for a darker purpose.

“I was hooked on Time Bomb from the first few sentences,” writes Shopper, who left a 5-star review. “As a fan of time travel story lines, I was eager to find out how it played out in this story. And I was not disappointed. An added bonus was the story being set in my hometown and I was visualize the scenes – even the future, post-apocalyptic Seattle felt real. This was a true page turner and kept me up late as I followed every twist and turn. My only complaint (and can’t even call it that) is that it ended too soon – I craved more! Thankfully, we will get more! Can’t wait for the next installment to be released!”

Savage Island by Victoria DoughertySavage Island by Victoria Dougherty

A hauntingly beautiful historical romance for young adults, this book tells the tale of Australian teenager Angelie, who one might think is living an idyllic life on the remote South Pacific island of Niue. However, the year is 1944 – and when the German consort arrives on the shores of this island paradise, Angie faces the grim reality that World War 2 might have finally come to paradise.

Savage Island is a beautiful, breathtaking novel, unlike anything I’ve read before,” writes DTChantel in her 5-star review. “From the moment I opened its pages, I fell into an otherworldly, enchanting time and place that felt dreamlike and mesmerizing. As the pages flew by, I realized that there is so much more to this story than what it appears to be. There are worlds within worlds, and time and space have no true meaning. Only the language of love. The ending was perfect and filled me with awe and wonder at what’s in store next for this genre-defying tale. I love the author’s way with words and her ability to wrap you into her story and entangle you in its threads. I’m going to be breathless with anticipation for the next installment.”

The Night Weaver Monique Snyman The Night Weaver by Monique Snyman 

Seventeen-year-old Rachel Cleary lives on the borders of a forest that doesn’t exist – or, at least, that’s what the townspeople of Shadow Grove seem to think; just like they refuse to address the plague of child disappearances, or the other sinister events that spoil the veneer of this small town paradise. As the conspiracy deepens, Rachel is forced to confront the unspoken mystery; but wasn’t prepared for the horror she’d uncover.

 “The story is gripping, dark and a definite read at every open gap you can find!” Siobhan writes, in her 5-star review. “The chapters are a little longer than I’m used to and I admit, most of the time I was on the edge of my seat, excited to read what’s next. I love that Monique doesn’t have this airy fairy prettiness to her writing. It’s a thrilling kind of dark that really appeals to me. I cannot fault this book and I’m disappointment not more people have had the pleasure of reading it. It’s fantastic and you WON’T doubt it.”

Speak No Evil by Liana GardnerSpeak No Evil by Liana Gardner

Young Adult novels continue to explore some of the darkest themes in modern writing, and this book is no exception – telling the grim tale of teenager Melody, who is thrown into the foster system after losing her mother to a snakebite. Horrific events await Melody – stuff that make this book compelling, but troubling reading – but the raw and visceral nature of her struggles and how she overcomes them makes for a real page-turner.

“Oh my goodness, this is a very powerful book,” writes reviewer Wall-to-wall books in a 5-star review. “This is a book that you can not put down. You HAVE to know what happened. I was half way through and I was so tired I was falling asleep and yet still I tried to keep reading, I could not stop! This is the kind of story that stays with you long after you finish reading. Melody… wow! It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about her story. I don’t remember a character grabbing me so much. My heart was aching for her. I loved the therapist, Dr. Kane. He was such a great advocate for her. I wish I knew all therapists were as good as he was. Unable to talk due to the trauma she had to endure, Melody made a strong connection to music. Dr. Kane used this in his therapy, having her answer his questions using song lyrics then later having her sing the answers – absolutely brilliant! This was such an original story. Yes, it was sad, even horrific at times… but I loved every minute of it! Extremely well written and thought out! A huge two thumbs up!”

If you liked the sound of any of these books, remember that subscribers to Hidden Gems get offered FREE Young Adult books to download and review – plus titles from 15 different genres – every day. Sign up today, pick your favorite genres, and get reading!

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