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Books with reviews sell better than those without, so by connecting with our thousands of eager book reviewers, you can get honest reviews from legitimate readers across a wide variety of genres. You provide your eBook files and book details and let us handle everything else. Our industry leading review rate means once your book goes out, it won’t be long before real and honest book reviews start to show up on the review sites you're interested in!
With our Beta Reader writer's service, you can connect with passionate and dedicated fans of your genre to help hone your craft and perfect your book. Get feedback to the questions and concerns you have so that you can act on them before you hit publish!
Sometimes reading an article or getting a quick email answer isn’t enough, and you need more substantial and personalized help with your book, marketing plan or overall career direction. For those times, the self-publishing experts at Hidden Gems are here to help. Schedule an hour long (or more) voice call on whatever it is you want to talk about, and get valuable and actionable advice that will help get you back on track.
Whether you want to fast-track your self-publishing journey or connect with like-minded peers while gaining valuable industry insights, our expert-led collaborative sessions offer the tools, knowledge, and community to accelerate your success.
Blurbs sell books, but many authors find them a challenge because they’re more about marketing than creativity. If you’re having trouble hooking readers, our blurb experts can help by writing a brand new blurb from scratch!
Each week, Hidden Gems publishes a list of recommended romance books to a hungry audience of thousands of subscribers. If you’re a romance author, you can reach these readers directly with a newsletter feature promotion as long as your book is 99 cents or free at the time of promotion.
A book cover that doesn’t look professional or fails to connect with the intended audience is one of the most common reasons that a novel underperforms. Not only should a good cover blend in well with its peers, it should also stand out from the crowd so that it gets noticed. Sound like an impossible task? It’s what our cover designers excel at, so give your book the best chance of success by hiring a Hidden Gems designer today.
When creating your book on Amazon, you’re given seven keyword boxes to use to help customers find your book whenever they’re doing a search. But these boxes can hold up to 50 characters each, meaning they can be filled with multiple keywords or phrases. As a free writer's service, our keyword organizer helps optimize the space available, allowing you to fill the boxes and maximize your book’s chance at being discovered.
Our blurb tool is a free writer's service that uses a simple WYSIWYG editor that allows you to design your blurb properly, export the result into Amazon’s HTML (which can be pasted directly into KDP), and even preview where Amazon will place the Read More link!
For additional help, check out our curated list of author resources!