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Author Interviews

Author Spotlight Interview: Karina McRoberts

By: Hidden Gems on November 22, 2022

Hidden Gems Books ARC service.

By: Hidden Gems on November 22, 2022


Today’s interview is with Australian author, illustrator, musician, and theatre producer Karina McRoberts. She shared her writing process, passions and details about projects that are in the works. It was an honor getting to know more about Karina’s writing style, and life outside of writing!

HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet?

KM: If you want different, try me.

Example: “Dargo, Eco Hero! by Karina McRoberts is by far one of the most unique books I have ever read” (editorial review from Readers’ Favorite).

I’m eclectic and write in several genres.

I mainly write what I call Intelligent Fiction.  Stories that entertain, of course, but also give pause for thought   ̶   on a whole bunch of fascinating topics!

I want to involve readers in some magic, not just “talk at them”.  We need magic!  It’s a constant challenge to create words that paint living pictures for readers to lose themselves in.

A wonderful editorial reviewer of my first historical fiction novel, The Palace of the Stars, described my writing as richly realised and highly evocative.  I strive to maintain that standard.

The Palace of Stars

HG: Fantastic. Please tell us, what’s your favorite thing about being an author?

KM: Giving joy to someone who really needs some.  Or empowering someone.  All too often I don’t know, but every now and then I hear back from someone or read a review from a reader who loved something I created.

As per this example, a reader review for one of my eco-novellas, Dargo, Eco Hero! :

“My 9-year son is always concerned about the environment and truly seeks to make the world a better place for future generations, so I took the opportunity to read this story with him and he absolutely fell in love with the magical characters and the plotline as a whole. This really is a fun and well-rounded story that will leave you feeling refreshed and happy.”

And who knows, maybe this child will grow to be an Eco Hero too!  We certainly need them!

HG: Tell us a little bit about your actual writing process. Does it differ by genre? How do you switch gears?

KM: For narrative, my favourite part is going out and doing in-person research.  For example, I like to amble around old towns and villages at night when there’s no one else around.  Or, when I write sea sagas such as The Light, Book Three of Thrilling Adventures in Love, Magic, and Mystery, where my character gets seasick, well, I had to go on a deep sea trip and experience that.  Not that I planned to get sick, but I definitely put that horrible feeling into my writing.  Authenticity being the name of the game.

For wordcraft, I see through my mind’s eye.  I use meditation and instrumental music.  Instrumental music does not tell me what to think – it allows me to feel.

HG: Wonderful! Thank you. What can you tell us about any projects you have in the works?

KM: My most important project – entertaining and empowering readers about the danger to our planet.  My credo – If you don’t know it, you can’t love it, and if you don’t love it, you can’t save it.

I was looking for a completely different way to present the conservation message. Instead of badgering people, I’ve been creating stories with warmth and humour, with characters readers can identify with.

Why does this matter?  Haven’t we heard enough? NO! Here’s an example:

I just returned from an extensive trip to Eastern Australia – half the continent is underwater!  Has been for months, will be for many more.

Everyone talks about the effect on people, and well, this is certainly true enough.  But no one is talking about the effect on wildlife, which we witnessed time-and-again first-hand.  Basically, we hardly saw any!  This is the Australian spring, and it has certainly not sprung in the East.

The soil biota has been destroyed by constant flooding.  No insects for lizards and birds to eat (drowned and rotten).  No soil life, no flowering, so no nectar.  And no seed.  No food.  And, for the direct approach:  dead, dead, dead, already endangered wombats especially, on the highways.  Slippery roads, vehicles can’t stop in time.  Potholes bigger than lunar craters – swerve to miss them and more animals are killed.  An environmental disaster.

So, I continue with my series of eco-novellas.  I’ve created stories for all ages, and my hope is to get families to read these stories together. Enough of this finger-pointing – it IS pointless!  “Your generation is killing our generation” – absolute rubbish.  Remember Rachel Carlson, Birute Galdikis, Dian Fossey, Jane Goodall, David Attenborough, David Suzuki…, the Rainbow Warriors!!!  Countless protesters facing down bulldozers, including grandmothers…  We are all in this together.

My latest offering in this series is coming up as a special – A Man For All Seasons.  I recommend this for a fun Green Halloween.  Here’s what it’s about:

A fascinating, beautiful story with unique settings and extraordinary characters. – Literary Titan editorial review

Ageing servant Vidor lives on in his master’s castle, finding it falling down around him.

Added to this is an ever-increasing stream of animal refugees. With no idea how to feed them all, Vidor decides to go into business to make ends meet.

Helped by his wise-talking raven, Alban, Vidor must thwart a greedy development company from destroying the animals’ home. But is he already out of time?

Part tender romance, part cheeky comedy, this story shines a light on life and death with dignity, while paying heart-lifting tribute to all eco warriors, wherever they may stand.


Literary Titan Gold Book Award Winner.

HG: Truly admirable. So, what do you enjoy doing when not writing?

KM: I have always been a staunch conservationist and spend much of my time creating and restoring habitat for wildlife.  I also love music – listening to or playing of.  Reading I do every night.

HG: Great! For fun, before we wrap up, let’s do a fast five! First one…coffee or tea?

KM: Turkish coffee. Yummmm.

HG: Bonfire or fireplace? 

KM: Bonfire. Wholly primal.

HG: Tropical beach or rustic mountains?

KM:  Tropical beach. Only if I can get underwater and check out the amazing beings there (sans crocodiles, sharks, and toxic jellyfish).

HG: Are you a morning bird or night owl? 

KM: The night was always my time. Imagination lives in the dark.

HG: eBook or paperback? 

KM: Paperback. No batteries required, no sucking of my books back into the cloud.  I HATE that!!!!!

HG: Alright, for readers that want to find out more about your stories, where should they go?

KM: Readers can go to my website. Also, please check out the gorgeous trailers to some of my books.

Type in the titles on YouTube:

The Palace of the Stars

Dargo, Eco-Hero!

The Chelandra Trilogy (Courage, Cunning, and Craft) – not quite ready, but check back soon.

I appreciate genuine emails.

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