Learn Something New With These Non-Fiction Reads
In 2020 we found ourselves in the middle of a pandemic. Not only did it change the way we were living, it challenged our thoughts and goals. Many of us took an interest in learning new skills and taking the time to educate ourselves on topics that interested or intrigued us. There truly is a non-fiction book out there for everyone on every topic imaginable. Take a look at the list we’ve curated below based on popular non-fiction reads that Hidden Gems ARC readers got to enjoy for free recently, you just may learn something new!

The IRA and Retirement Plan Owner’s Guide to Beating the New Death Tax by James Lange
If getting your finances in order is on your to-do list this year, don’t skip this one. Retirement plan owners can use the practical, proven, and strategic defenses found in this book to protect their financial legacies. Using real-world questions and answers, examples, and illustrations this book is a must read for all IRA and retirement plan owners, financial planners, and tax professionals. And honestly, at only 99c currently, why not make this investment?
“Jim Lange has packed an astounding amount of information and warnings on how the SECURE Act will negatively impact unsuspecting clients – and clear and practical suggestions for how to deal with this stealth tax in his book,” writes Stephan R. Leimburg in his review. “The book is a quick read but is an incredible time-saving research resource for professionals who want to help defer the impact of this accelerated tax attack.”
Paul says in his 5-star review, “Jim Lange not only identifies the problems created by these acts that affect Retirement Plans, he presents easy to understand and adopt answers/solutions on how to successfully deal with the accelerated ‘money grab by Congress’ resultant especially from the SECURE Act. Congress has changed the rules late in the game, Now is the time to read this Excellent book and take action to preserve the efforts of your lifetime of work and planning! Jim Lange is an, if not THE, Expert on IRAs; his sage counsel can be trusted!”

Project Zebra by M.G. Crisci
If there’s one this we can probably all agree on, it’s that none of us want to relive 2020. But, if you’d like to connect with other parts of history, this book will introduce you to one of the last great untold stories from World War II. Project Zebra was a top-secret mission created by Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin. And, it would be the only time in history, America would build 185 huge, state-of-the-art warplanes hand-painted with Red Army stars in the Philadelphia Naval Yard.
“The reader is immediately plunged into a military world and culture as they follow on a powerful project that would eventually change the course of the war and of history,” writes RDZemo in his 5-star review. “In this thrilling, historical novel, the author brings into light what readers have not known, or what most of them have not known about the grueling war in the Pacific and Atlantic theaters. The writing is impeccable and it allows the reader to get powerful and strong images about the war, about the activities behind-the-scenes and the importance of secrecy in times of conflict. The narrative voice is equally strong and irresistible. I couldn’t stop reading this book. It will inform and inspire, a real page-turner.”
“Project Zebra, earning every bit of its five star rating, is everything you could want in a historical nonfiction piece,” says MNM in their review. “It teaches without being dry or preachy. It has pictures that help a reader see into a world that is now gone or very nearly so. The book is well rounded, showing both how Roosevelt received pushback for opening America’s doors to Stalin’s pilots and how the men learned to be comrades and find humor and common ground with these people who at first seemed so different. We, living in the post Cold War but current collusion allegations climate, may find it just as difficult to see how this could be done. The fact is though, that it can and it was. It’s very insightful and an honestly good read.”

50 Misconceptions of Sex: A Modern Tantric Practicer by Alexa Vartman
Throughout the pandemic and increased time at home, many people have enjoyed trying something exciting and different, exploring a new hobby or learning a new skill. Adventurous adult audiences with a sense of humor may want to check out this one from Alexa Vartman. By clarifying 50 common misconceptions, Alexa explains and teaches a simple practice of intimate mastery. This book brings the physical and mental effects of esoteric tantra within reach of a modern 21st century audience.
“OMGOODNESS What a great book!” writes Troy in his 5-star review. “Really good scientific explanations about the practices of Tantra, it’s very entertaining and humorous and hard to put down I didn’t know exactly what to expect but I was blown away! I’m recommending this book to all of my Tantra clients, it’s such a simple clear understanding that I believe most people will be able to understand better than I had been explaining in the past. I’m really grateful this book has been released and I can’t wait until more and more people read it and begin to understand and live!”
“Good sex education is seriously lacking in the world and this book is a game changer,” says S. Smith in their 5-star review. “Written with wisdom and humor. This book is a delight! Though the focus is on giving and receiving better sex, the ego busting concepts will serve you well in relationships of all kinds.”

Global Career: How to Work Anywhere and Travel Forever by Michael Swigunski
Perhaps due to circumstance, or maybe because of a change in perspective and priorities, many people have explored the idea of a career change in the past year. If a digital nomad lifestyle with remote work sounds appealing to you, check out this book from Michael Swigunski.
“This was a very good read for those looking to learn how to work remotely, but also travel abroad,” writes Joseph B. in his 5-star review. “If you’re thinking of traveling abroad while working, looking to travel while working as a freelancer, or seeking advice on finding a job in another country then this is a recommended read. Filled with tons of details and experience that will change your perception of what you should do to prepare yourself financially and mentally.”
Ashley L. writes in her 5-star review, “I have always had several fears about traveling and this book addresses all of them! I was surprised by the depth of the information and how the author shows that it really is possible to travel continuously. It’s NOT a memoir of how someone else was lucky enough to find the right opportunities. It’s a book about the opportunities that are available for everyone with the desire to travel! My worries about how this can actually happen were set at ease as I read. There are so many options presented! My mind is buzzing with ideas now of how I can live my dream! I really like the way that this author writes because he answered the questions that came to my mind as soon as they occurred to me. He’s a very intuitive writer in this regard. He talks about studying, working, and interning abroad, and even what visas to get. He gives travel tips that I had never thought of before and how to get involved in communities in other countries. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who has wanted more out of life but feels stuck in their 9am-5pm job. This is the kind of book that inspires you to change your life! Loved it!”

Writer’s Secret Weapon: Reference Guide by Cheyenne McCray and H.D. Thomson
Writer’s Secret Weapon is an excellent resource for writers at any stage in their career, presenting quick ideas to get you going in a number of areas. While we all know how to Google, it’s harder to come by fast and easy rules. This guide saves you hours of searching, especially when you don’t know where to start. Discover the kind of information new and veteran authors need at every stage of their career!
Madeline writes in her 5-star review, “If you need a shot of inspiration and some practical advice too— here is a book you’ll return to again and again. I’m amazed at how just paging through the different chapters gets my imagination into high gear. Hurry! Get this onto your kindle or on your bookshelf.. I have recently been re-inspired to take up writing after a long hiatus, and this is the FIRST reference I have turned to… It’s a good feeling to have the spark of creativity back, with the help of this reference!”
“This is a great book for new and seasoned writers,” writes Rene’s Reads in their 5-star review. “There are hints and tips, lists and a large assortment of categories to help a writer wherever they may have gotten stuck in a manuscript. The authors are writers and offer advice from their own desk chairs and I like that. We have all gotten to the what’s next stage and sat staring at the blinking cursor, waiting for a sign. I’ll get this resource in physical form because I can see myself using it, loaning it, pointing out things from it until my writer friends buy their own. This is a nice addition to the writer’s reference section.”