Hosted by: Craig Tuch and Roland Hulme with special guest Tyler Snure
In the competitive world of self-publishing, it’s crucial for authors to embrace the role of entrepreneur, with each book representing a new and unique product. Attention to detail is key, as every aspect of your book must beckon to potential customers—your readers.
Join us on this episode of Fully Booked, where we explore the intricacies of authorship with guest novelist Tyler Snure. Tyler takes us through his concept of the “Reader Roadmap”, a strategic guide for understanding the decision-making process of avid readers in search of their next adventure.
While a captivating cover and a compelling blurb are key, it’s the initial pages that often seal the deal. The opening lines are often where readers are won or lost. Tyler offers his expert insights on crafting those crucial first pages that ensure readers are not just hooked, but reeled in. Don’t miss this exploration of the techniques that transform browsers into buyers, and writers into savvy authorpreneurs.
Tyler Snure