Hosted by: Craig Tuch and Roland Hulme with special guest Christian Angeles
What turns a description into a story? For most writers, the answer is structure – the timeless, immutable formula of storytelling that originated when our ancestors told tales around the campfire, yet continues today in Hollywood blockbusters and best-selling books.
Entertainment journalist and comic book writer Christian Angeles knows all about story structure. In fact, he’s even started a company called Monomythic which aims to help preserve the foundational elements of storytelling even as artists and creators explore telling their tales through new mediums and technologies.
In this week’s episode of Fully Booked, Christian joins Craig and Roland to discuss the fundamental importance of a well-structured story, and how studying the craft of storytelling can’t help but turn you into a better writer. If you’ve been searching for a missing element in your works-in-progress, this might be just the episode to tune into.
Christian Angeles