Hosted by: Craig Tuch and Roland Hulme with special guest Nate Allison
It doesn’t matter how great your book is if you can’t get people to read it in the first place. Without a huge existing fanbase that buys whatever you publish, the best way to get people to try your book is to make sure it’s packaged the best way possible. A strong cover is arguably the most important part of that package, and unfortunately many authors aren’t selling as many copies as they could be because their cover isn’t working for them.
In today’s episode of Fully Booked, we talk to Hidden Gems cover designer Nate Allison about why covers are so vital to selling books, what goes into a good cover (it’s not just about the pretty picture!) and what to look for in a designer if you’re hiring someone to produce your cover for you.
Nate Allison’s Cover Design Page